Age 25 Married Non smoker Non alcoholic There is no pleasure in sex and masturbation but having grt time in sex. A lot of precum while erection. Can I take virilex tab. Is there any side effects.
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Hello, I being a homoeopath can suggest you some recourse in homoeopathy, please. Tk,� plenty of water to hydrate your body. Go for meditation to reduce your stress, strengthening pelvic, groin & penile muscles to improve libido & premature ejaculation. Tk,� apples, carrots,� spinach, garlic, pumpkins seeds, almonds, ,black chocolates to improve testerstone level to check erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, ensuring raised sperm count. Your diet be easily digestible on time to avoid gastric disorder. Homoeopathic medicines can assist you, successfully being gentle, rapid & safe in administration. @ DamianaQ -10 drops, thrice with little water. Opt 'Sex enhancer' -package for better results. Avoid,� junkfood,� alcohol &� nicotine. Tk,� care.
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Yes take in full doses. 1+2 daily for 45 days.
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