I want to grow my breast by some medications Can you please suggest me Its very depressing If there is any medications with whom I can grow my breast.
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Hello mam. There are certain workouts which definitely increases the prominence of the breasts by putting up some muscular bulk beneath it. But might take longer than you expected. Few of the massages also do increase the size, but very slowly and steadily and only upto few extent. Very few ppl are aware about the surgeries which can help you gain the required size and shape with very minimal side effects. Such as the simple mammoplasty, fat grafting (where unwanted fat from other parts of your body is used to be transplanted to the breasts) or implants. You can text me online through this site for more details or visit my clinic.
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Hello, Breast development is under hormonal and genetic influence. Though there are various advertisement for products to increase breast volume none are effective though reviews may say effective they are fake and all creams have some form of estrogen which causes water retention which gives that tightness feeling which is interpreted as increased size. But this is temporary and there is no actual increase in breast tissue. In fact some of these creams can cause hormonal imbalance and severe skin allergies. It is better to stay away from such products. You can exercise to increase muscle bulk which can give good shape and some projection to breast. There are few safe and effective treatment for breast augmentation. Fat fill where we take fat from abdomen or thighs and inject into breast is a scarless treatment. And other option is implants which can give you the desired shape and size. You can consult in private to discuss the pros and cons of each treatment.
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