I have a different kind of allergy I allergic from smoke of cigarette. After of that i'm not able breath .Why please tell me.
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We have good homeopathic medicines for all types of allergies, asthma, cold allergy and many other respiratory diseases. But the recurrency of your disease needs to be broken, which is possible only by constitutional homeopathic medicines. For this, we need to record all your physical as well as psychological symptoms, so that proper treatment is to be started then. So do book an online appointment for detailed case to be taken and treatment to be started as soon as possible. Besides this, take steam inhalation, do saline water gargle, avoid fatty, fried and oily food, be hydrated, take proper rest, avoid cold and sour food. For more queries, consult us.
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Dear lybrate-user, quite a few people are allergic to different types of smoke and cigarette smoke is one of them. The best thing you can do is to avoid cigarette smoke, by not smoking, by not being near people who smoke. Even passive smokingi. E inhaling smoke from other smokers can cause allergies, bronchitis and even lung cancer. So keep away from cigarette smoke. If it is causing difficulty in breathing see a doctor.
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