I have severe hair fall and over the years my scalp is visible. I had a history of Pcos but now getting my periods regularly. I have tried mesotherapy and minoxidil 5% but didn't made much improvements. I have tried meso, prp and minoxidil. I was under treatment of Dr. Pauls and some oral medications were also given to me the .but prolonged use of minoxidil is not good and I stopped using it. My hemoglobin and thyroid is in normal range. Ultrasound needs to be done.
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Hello Lybrate user I am very happy to answer your question I can understand your concern. Hair fall is quite increasing now a days, Due to changing habits and lifestyle you can take 1) Xgain hair shampoo for daily use 2) Keraglo eva for women one daily for 3 month 3) Hairgro hair revetilising serum on scalp twice daily > Drink 9 glass of water daily. > Drink one glass of lime juice with little sugar daily.
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Hello, You need to monitor your weight, first. Scalp visibility with reduced hair density is caused due to stress & anxiety obstructing� growth of hairs affecting hair follicles & sebaceous glands ,hence you need to� regulate your life style, first. Go for meditation to reduce your stress to nourish hair follicles. Tk, plenty of water� to moisten your� scalp to check dandruff, inorder to condition hair follicles. Gastric disorder, triggers hair loss, hence, tk,� easily digestible diet on time to check gastric disorder. Avoid, junkfood,� alcohol & nicotine, scorching Sun & dust. Tk, homoeopathic medicine:@ Jabornady Q-20 drops with olive oil,� apply on scalp. You may opt 'hair loss' package to ascertain a better result Tk, care.
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