My weight is over according to my age and height and I'm also suffering fatty liver infection so please suggest something to control my weight and fatty liver infection.
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Don't worry, nowadays fatty liver is very common problem this is because unhygenic food n water. Take healthy diet avoid fatty and fast food. And take homeopathic chelidonium Q mother tincture 10-10 drops in half cup of water 3 times in a day. And tap start your treatment - other-registration-tell your symptoms.
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Diet control and regular exercise (30-40 mins of brisk walk) is very important. You should take opinion of gastroenterologist.
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hello lybrate user, fatty liver generally occurs when there is accumulation of fats in liver [ more then 10% of liver weight] which may cause inflammation and prevents the liver from functioning properly. excessive alcohol consumption is main cause of fatty liver, other causes includes obesity, high blood cholesterol, medicinal side effects, familial predisposition, debates etc. fatty liver can be reversible by adapting healthy lifestyle. hence, strictly avoid alcohol. avoid junk food like noodles, fried food etc. drink plenty of water,8-9 glass per day. drink sugar free juices, it is beneficial for healthy liver function. have healthy diet. add more fiber rich food in diet like spinach, beans, carrots, oats, cereals etc..; add more fruits in meal, do regular exercise, get more active, like taking the stairs instead of elevator etc; take homeopathy treatment for fatty liver, it is safe, natural and holistic way of treatment. natural homeopathic medicine like chelidonium, lyco etc are highly effective in liver disorders like fatty liver. in chronic cases, medicine is selected on the basis of thorough details of patients like medical history, causes, routine, temperament etc..; such well selected remedy gives complete relief and cure without side-effects. Message back for proper consultation.
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