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I am now 25 my weight 75 kg. Last 5 year ago diagnosed my left kidney is 85% inactive bt right is fully active with moderate hydronephrosis. My creatinine level between 0.9-1.2 last 5 years. I check up my blood in every 3 month. No protein in urine. I take losartan 50 and tomsolvin chloride (dynapres. O.4 mg. Daily. According to my Nephrologist. Bt my bp is always up and down. When I check it in morning it 130 by 84 bt in night 140 by 80. It is interesting that when I check my bp I worried about my bp heart beat become too fast 120/min. Even it check home or doctor clinic. I worried. Normal time heart beat is 80 about. My question is my bp is safe for my heart and right kidney? It can create problem heart and kidney? In future for this condition. Suggest how can reduce my bp. I am much worried about my bp .(my urine bladder is neugenic. Post void urine is 50 ml right now on ultrasound report.).
2Doctors Answered
Dr. S.K. Tandon44yrs exp
93% (53294 ratings)
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Not too worry .avoid fatty diet, brisk walking and salt and protein restricted diet.
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Dr. Vijay Lahotyyrs exp
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your target BP sud be below 120 Try to overcome your anxiety as I feel these BP medicines r sufficient to achieve this target.
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