My daughter 2.5 years old is not speaking yet. We got her examined by her pediatrician, and then an pediatric ENT. Everything turned out normal. We even got her evaluated by a speech therapist. He says yes she has delayed speech but she will develop with time. I have put her in a play group this week. I observed that she is using her left hand dominantly than her right. Otherwise she is a perfectly normal and happy child, well behaved socially too. But I am worried whether she can pick up with her speech. Please help.
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Yes, the speech therapist is right: she will talk eventually, which is not too far away. The left hand dominance is an interesting observation. the speech centre in the brain is mostly located in the left brain hemisphere and may account for the delay. Sometimes our expectations exceed excessively and we put pressure on the child. The play school will also help. Without making her feel inadequate in any way, you could ask her repeat simple monosyllabic words and sounds in a playful manner enticing her to use her vocal cords. Be patient and be friendly.
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You have already done the basics. Play school will also help her in developing her speech. Many times speech gets delayed in children. If other finding are found to be normal she will develop speech normally. Best wishes and happy Parenting.
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