Hi my age is 19 years old and I am noticing lump in my breast and as I have checked google its the sign of breast cancer so seriously I have cancer or it is something else.
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All lumps in breast are not cancer ,don't make your own diagnosis ,first get yourself examined by a doctor for confirmation wether you are having a lump or not. At your age group most breast lumps are benign.
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Hi At 19 years you do not have breast cancer. 'Please do not go to google for medical information. AT this age, what you might have is something called fibroadenoma, or fat lumps. It will not become cancerous. And as your body is still growing, with age and childbirth, then will become non palpable soon. If in doubt, please see a breast disease specialist. Not a general doctor or gynaecologist. Early breast cancer occurs only when you have a mother or sister with breast cancer. That too in late 20s or early 30s. So do not google and get confused.
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Hello, Unlike complicated�cysts, they are not associated with�breast �cancer unless all required test has been completed to confirm malignancy ,thereof. It can be dissolved ,miraculously under homoeopathic medication. Dimensions of cyst/s be ascertained ,first with associated underlying symptoms thereof. Ie. Sensation: pain, burning sensation. Appearence :softness or hardness of cyst, breast is swelled or normal in size, etc. Till, your reports reach me, privetly, take underlying homoeopathic medicines. @ Bryonia album 30-5 drops, thrice. Avoid, junkfood, alcohol and Nicotine, please. Tk, care.
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Hi Dear, Do not worry. I would advise to go for ulttrasonic mammography and if need be required go for f.n.a.c then please consult with these reports. For further management.
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It is unlikely to have breast cancer at 19 years unless you have p53 mutation or some other familial mutation. Even for BRCA1 mutation which has 50% chance of developing breast cancer by the age of 50 years, 19 years is a bit too early. The most common cause of breast lump is fibroadenoma, but could be fibrocystic change, fat necrosis, Breast cysts, granulomatous mastitis, abscess or phylloides tumor. It's better to see a breast surgeon or a Surgical oncologist, who will examine you, and may ask for an ultrasound with SOS FNAC or core biopsy if any significant finding. I hope I was able to answer your query. Feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss further.
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