Hi, I feel sudden pain between lower part of my left breast and rib, and recently I faced intense pain on my upper part of left breast. I am not sure whether this pain is related to any kind of heart or other related issue. But it will be difficult to breath at the time of pain. May I know this pain related to heart or any other breast related issue.
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There could be multiple causes of chest or breast pain. Most common ones are as follows: 1) Costochondritis: It is due to the inflammation of the joint between rib and breast bone i.e. Sternum. It leads to a catch in breathing and responds to painkillers. 2) Cardiac pain or Angina: Due to blockage in vessels supplying heart. It is a constricting type of pain which is usually retrosternal, but may be on left chest, left arm or upper abdomen (epigastric region mimicking gastritis). It may be associated with sweating, palpitation, hypo or hypertension. It needs to be seen urgently by a physician. Severe sudden pain may be due to aortic dissection or aortic aneurysm, which is an acute emergency. 3) Acidity or gastric reflux disease: leads to upper abdominal or retrosternal burning pain. Responds well to antacids. 4) Breast pain: It can be due to variety of reasons ranging from ill fitting bra, jogger�s nipples, gynaecomastia in males, cyclical mastalgia, fibrocystic changes, Breast cysts, galactocele, trauma, abscess to rarely cancer. 5) Pleuritic pain: this is due to inflammation of the covering membrane of the lungs, which is usually accompanied by fever and could be due to underlying pathology of lung like pneumonia or Tuberculosis If pain is severe of accompanied with sweating or palpitation or fever, better to see a doctor immediately in emergency Department. If Breast pain then see a breast surgeon who would examine you to rule out the different causes and ask for an ultrasound scan or mammography if needed. If acidity then your GP will deal with it and if need be refer you for an upper GI Endoscopy. If you still have any doubts, feel free to contact me.
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