I am 22 years old. 6 years back I got vitiligo patch in my lower lip. It was very small, and difficult to notice, I was in medication for 3 years and 50% of the of the aresproduced melanin, but for some reasons I have stopped treatment for 2 years. And now I think it is worsening. So I immediately want to start my treatment. And does it will cure fully? Cause it is mentally very depressing.
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Hello, You need not to worry about your disease as we have got expertise in treating Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a genetic disorder triggered by indigestion and stressful conditions. Suggesting any medicines or local application to you will not be a good idea, as I will require a complete case taking so that the root of cause is eliminated to prevent relapse. There is always a confusion in patients? mind regarding choosing right treatment approach for vitiligo. Every patient has 3 choices: 1.Allopathy - gives quick results but is not very safe for long term use. 2.Homeopathy- is safe but very slow and in most of cases it can not stop the spread of disease i.e old patches show some recovery but new white patches continue to come even while using the medication. 3.Ayurveda -If one thinks about. It is difficult to find a good Consultant. KAYAKALP GLOBAL is a leading skin clinic in India treating Vitiligo (Leucoderma. Ayurvedic herbal medicines are used to purify blood and stop the spread of disease and external application are capable of quick repigmentation. We have integrated external Allopathic applications with internal Ayurvedic medication to give fast and long lasting results. With more than 20000 patients in last 15 years we have refined ayurvedic treatment which is capable of giving quick results and is safe. Vitiligo is such a detail subject that it can not be explained in few lines. There are many queries about differential diagnosis ,causes ,triggers, is it genetic, diet, curable etc. For detailed queries like: 1. Causes of vitiligo 2. Is it genetic or can it spread to next generation you can contact the clinic. You can send pictures of the affected area. After reviewing the case individually, will guide you about the best possible treatment and time frame.
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Hello. Sorry to hear that. Vitiligo is one of dreaded skin disease which is present in more that 1.5% of people worldwide. And it is really terrible to tell that there are hardly any successful treatment for it. However there is ongoing researches for the remedy. The approved remedies are few which ranges over a wide cost. The extent of your disease, the requirement which you have and the probable effect of these therapy will help you decide the treatment to opt for. I would be happy to discuss with you the same if you need. Do contact me. Thank you.
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