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I have a five year old boy. Now I am facing problem in conceiving. I have done HSG, and I have known that I have both tubes partially blocked, please suggest me the treatment. Can it be open without surgery. My age is 34. I also have less period and irregular also.
2Doctors Answered
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If both tubes have cornual block, an attempt can be made to remove the blocks laproscopically. If you do not want surgery, ivf or test tube baby is the answer.
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Hi If you had no difficulty conceiving the first time, there should be no issues now. Tubal disease can happen after uterus infection, abortions. If such things have not happened, then do not bother about tubes. You can not have partial block. Its either blocked or open. Please do not bother with surgery for them. Just relax and try for a baby. And will happen.
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