My mother was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis before 3 months because she has a cough for long period say 7 to 8 months, now she don't have cough but I did her chest x ray report in which it is showing changes of congestion seen in both lungs, after that I did her CBC ESR test in this test her ESR level is 99 so as per doctors suggestions I did plain chest CT scan and CT scan report is normal but I don't know why her ESR level is very high plus doctor has not given any medicine for this ESR level and I don't k ow the reason my mother is not able to eat food and if eat something she has vomiting and loose motion, she is undergoing lot of allopathic medicine for diabetic and BP and also for injury which she meet an accident before some days. Please suggest me what to to do where to go. Even doctors has given two medicines for having demand of food but nothing is going good, I am really very confuse what to do please suggest me.
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Hello, Give her homoeopathic medicine @.Bacillinum 1000-5 drops, wkly. @ Bryonia album 30-5 drops, thrice, dly. She should: Drink lukewarm water. Inhale steam, twice. Go for meditation to reduce her stress to strengthen air passage and bronchus. Avoid, junkfood, cold intake, dust and smoke. Consult me privetly in this regard to lowering down ESR level, please. Tk, care.
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Dear Lybrateuser, there seems to be discrepancy between Chest Xray and CT report. In my view you must immediately consult a Pulmonologist IN PERSON to rule out the chronic chest infection. Prolonged use of Pain, Fever and other medications sometimes causes Loss of appetite, which should normalise after medicines are stopped. In the meantime don't change / stop any medicine. Hopefully all will be well soon, have patience.
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If ct chest is nornal then less likly TB lungs. Raised esr can be due to some othe rreason, which need investigation. Can consult a gastroenterologist.
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