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I am 25 year female after 2 years of my marriage. We plan for having a baby so we go to doc. And hsg performed in that my left fallopian tube blockage occur but they said right tube is open. After that my treatment for conceiving nearly for 6 month regularly. I take medicine but no. Result doct also suggest me to take regular injections for positive result but no response. I am very irritated now what should I do. My husband all test are good. Pls help me. Can I go for laprosocpy? Or any other method.
1Doctor Answered
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Even if your one tube is blocked you have fair chance of getting pregnant with one open tube if rest things are normal. Rest things are your ovarian reserve, proper growth of follicle containing egg, rupture of follicle to release egg at right time, proper thickness of lining of uterus. Depending on the problem treatment is given. Laparoscopy is required to correct problems related to fibroids, endometriosis, damaged tubes, Tuberculosis, septum in uterus, unexplained infertility and before planning IVF. So the doctor will suggest treatment and need of laparoscopy depending on the problem.
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