Hello Doctor, My testicular was in abnormal size. One was bigger then other one. So I confused it was a testicular cancer.
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Hi Lybrate user, There may be lot of other reasons for differential testicular sizes. It is better to consult general surgeon or urologist so that they examine you and guide you further treatment or reassurance. You can also get investigation ultrasound Bilateral scrotum and pelvis. Hope it may help you.
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If recent change in size, better to see a Surgical oncologist or a urologist for the same. Mild difference in size of the testes is normal. Testicular cancers usually present in young age of 15-40 years. It is usually diagnosed by blood tests of tumour markers which are raised, mainly AFP, beta-HCG and LDH. Also a usg of the scrotum may be done to confirm testicular enlargement. Feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss this further.
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