My hiv duo test results after 2 months of exposure is .24 non reactive. .and 3 month of exposure is .90 .does it mean I am getting positive by 4 month ?plz guide.
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Free from HIV NOthing to worry.
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It is negative. Don't worry.
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Yes it can be.
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The numbers are a way to quantify the test result to make it more accurate than simply saying ?positive? or ?negative?. The closer the ?0.04? number is to 0 the more certain the lab will be that the result is negative. If the value is 1 then the result is ?positive?. The phrase ?less than 0.25? simply states that the value of 0.04 is less than the cut-off value of 0.25 so it is in the most definitely negative band. It does not mean you are a little bit positive. This result is negative. Some people who are in the seroconversion phase or during the window period may have a test that is closer to 1.0. In this case the healthcare worker may recommend a confirmatory test.
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