I'm 24 Yr female, I'm facing continuous excessive hair loss since 18 month, now the condition has worsen, earlier my hair used to be very silky but now it has become brittle and rough. I also have stomach issue such indigestion and loss motion and gastric problems. Please suggest me the solution.
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Hello, Go for meditation to reduce your stress to nourish hair follicles. Tk, plenty of water� to moisten your� scalp to check dandruff, inorder to condition hair follicles. Gastric disorder, triggers hair loss, hence, tk,� easily digestible diet on time to check gastric disorder ,avoiding� sweets, suggery items, fried and oily food. Tk, apples, carrots, tomatoes, protein, grams, beans, nuts, soy milk, walnuts, flaxseed, fish. Avoid, junkfood,� alcohol & nicotine, scorching Sun & dust. Tk, homoeopathic medicine:@ Jabornady Q-20 drops with olive oil,� apply on scalp. You may opt 'hair loss package 'to ascertain a better result Tk, care.
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There are many reasons for hair fall or thinning of hair on scalp. So first and foremost we have to find the cause with the help of detailed history and examination. Some of the common causes are nutritional deficiency, hormonal causes like androgenic alopecia or patterned baldness, hypothyroidism, telogen effluvium etc. Unless we find and treat the cause there is no point in giving non specific treatment. Oils or shampoos do not have any effect on hair growth as they are not absorbed in the skin. Moreover, you should never self treat with anything. Please call me or send photographs using online consult option for proper diagnosis and detailed prescription.
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