Hi Sir, I have to go back to my work of 7 hours duty. My baby is 3 and half month old, I have given her dexolac formula but she did stool 8 times after that, now what should I do to go back to my work. Please help me on it.
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Some more details are required, viz: - Birth weight of the baby Current weight & length of the baby The quantity and frequency of the formula feeds The quantity and consistency of the stools Is the baby being breast fed simultaneously If the stools are not very watery and if the quantity is not very large, you need not worry. You can add Zinc syrup to the medicine given by your Doctor Please be sure that strict hygiene is observed while formula feeds are being given (hand washing, sterilization of feeding bottles after every feed, adequate boiling of water being used to reconstitute the formula.
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Just one off loose stools doesn't indicate much. If the baby is otherwise well, continue dexolac. Try expressed brest feeding as well so you can add goodness of it as well.
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