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How accurate the glucometer blood sugar readings. Will the normal blood test readings and glucometer blood sugar readings will differ. Which is more reliable Please suggest. In pregnancy I got normal blood test sugar level with in limits but glucometer readings are 100 before food and 135 to 140 after food doctor suggested medicine for sugar based on glucometer readings should I use sugar tablets .I feel fetal movements are less on day of usage of sugar tablets why is it so? My AFI is 20 at .21 weeks is this is because of blood sugar now 25 weeks pregnancy but without usage of tablets my readings are around 95 before food and around 125 after food in glucometer.
1Doctor Answered
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Glucometer is not 100% accurate laboratory readings are since in glucometer we use capillary blood whereas in lab they draw venous blood a difference of plus minus 15 is acceptable difference between two readings. If you are using anti diabetic medications dose titration are needed as per your doctors advise.
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