My hair is thin and short. I have hair fall when I wash my hair. Please suggest me to grow long and thick hair. Please waiting for your answer.
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Use patanjali hair oil and shampoo and massage well.
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You will need to consult for proper treatment. Till then take A multi vitamin tablet. Do regular pranayama. Avoid chemical products.
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Change ur shampoo into a baby shampoo,,apply coconut milk,,apply natural henna powder dipped in liquor of tea overnight next day add whole egg ,curd ,10 ml coconut oil,few drops of lemon juice,do it once in a week,,apply amla juice,,apply castor oil,,with this u need proper homoeopathic treatment to cure ur problem permanently,,
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You are suffering from hormonal changes causing Androgenetic alopecia causing hair fall. It's completely stoppable even regrowth of hair is possible with certain medications without any side effects. Treatment depends on the grade of hair loss. So, it's a must for diagnosing which grade, you are in for an effective treatment. Please send photos of your head for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
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