My age is 16 and I am a boy. I get depressed wasting my time in mobile and porn videos and masturbation and I think that this affecting my studies in which I am not able to give my 100%.When I sit to study and even I got enough sleep I feel sleepy and yawing during studies that this hurts me more. Can I get solution of depression and yawing during studies even I want to study with full focus but I yawn?
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First of all, don't feel guilty of masturbation. It's absolutely normal and common. The problem is not masturbation, problem is your constant attention to subject of sex. I can give you a preliminary solution. And I am sure it will help you because you have identified problem. Just one thing you need to do is: stop watching Pornography. Masturbation is designed for natural outlet of sexual urge. When you get urge naturally, do it. You can send me questions on my private account too, I can help you out with many techniques if problem persists.
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The combination of addiction to mobile, porn and masturbation can impact anyone but it will be worse for a suggestible 16 year old. So this is harmful immediately and over the long haul. You must seek the help of a counselor and I suggest you visit that person along with your parents. I suspect that there may be childhood issues that need a careful scrutiny to examine them for thier contribution for your addictive personality. In late adolescence there are hormonal matters that will further compound your tendencies. All three are prone to be attractive to a teenagers and you can easily become addictive.
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