Hello Doctor, I am 19 years old. I have a hair fall problem and I think it is due to stress. I was in depression because of my excessive nightfall problem. Now my nightfall is in control and I live a healthy lifestyle, doing regular exercise, but I have gone bald from both sides of my forehead and also my hair fall has not stopped. Is the hair fall due to stress or hormonal imbalance? Is it possible to regrow my hairs back? Please suggest me home remedies to grow my hairs back and stop hair fall.
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Lybrate-user there are many causes behind hair fall some are local and some are systemic. If you are having dandruff along with that or any eruption it need to be treated. If any systemic ailments are there it should be diagnosed and taken care of. As you mention stress then consult homoeopathic physician who will find cause effect relationship of your hair fall and stress. Take care.
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You are suffering from hormonal changes causing telogen effluvium causing hair fall. It's completely stoppable even regrowth of hair is possible with certain medications without any side effects. Treatment depends on the grade of hair loss. So, it's a must for diagnosing which grade, you are in for an effective treatment. Please send photos of your head, by direct online consultation for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
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Dear lybrate-user From Psychology n Psychiatry point of view. Hair problem stress and depression and night fall. Are a normal feature in this age. So I do not think there is any thing which is of worrying. Too much or need medicine. Simple counselings for stress management n identification of stressors. Or personality or sensitive nature n.then desire to change. Or brim change with the help of friend or parents or psychologist or psychiatrist will be of great help. Like hair fall. If some hair falls - what is the problem if stress is there - it is going to be there in rest of life - so learn how to reduce it how bill gates reduces it night fall - is a sign of adulthood - god informed you by email that you are now fit to get married. Be positive etc.
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