AddIcted to masturbation and do practice once in 2 days or daily. My face get pimples and body gets weakness and sleepy due to this. i wanna leave it but couldn't and I also couldn't consult doctor then what to do?
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Apply aleovera regulalry.
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YOur pimplesor any proble m is not due to masturabtion and igive here the benefits of masturbation 8 amazing health benefits of masturbation Masturbation can be extremely beneficial to your health and well-being. It doesn't just feel good, it has other benefits too that can vastly improve your health and life. Here are some reasons why you should masturbate regularly: 1. It boosts your mood Masturbating releases the hormones oxytocin and dopamine, which improve your mood and give you a natural high. It helps you relax and decreases your stress and anxiety levels. 2. Helps you sleep Having an orgasm relaxes you physically and mentally, relieves tension and makes you feel satisfied due to the lowering of blood pressure and the release of endorphins. This helps you fall asleep faster and sleep better. 3. Lesser junk food cravings The release of oxytocin makes us feel happier, lowering emotionally triggered food cravings, which help you make better food choices and avoid unhealthy and fattening 'comfort' food. 4. Relieves cramps Masturbation can help relieve menstrual cramps. It increases blood flow to your pelvic region and hence eases pain, cramps and backaches. 5. Helps cure urinary tract infection in women Those suffering from utis can get relief by masturbating as it flushes out bacteria from the cervix. 6. Prevents prostate cancer Masturbation flushes out the toxin build-up in the urogenital tract, making men who ejaculate frequently three times less likely to develop prostate cancer. 7. May get rid of restless leg syndrome People who suffer from restless leg syndrome feel a constant need to move their limb, which may cause leg pain and cramps. A publication in 'sleep medicine', a medical journal suggests that sex and masturbation may help relieve symptoms of rls. 8. Boosts your immunity and general health Ejaculation in males triggers the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. Although stress inducing, experts believe that small doses of this hormone help build your immunity. In women, masturbation is known to improve cervical and cardiovascular health while also reducing the risk of type-2 diabetes. 6 Common myths on masturbation busted! Although a very normal physical function, masturbation (the touching of your genitals and other erogenous zones to induce sexual pleasure) has certain taboos attached to it. This natural sexual practice has given birth to all kinds of myths which stops people from indulging in this form of self-pleasure. Here are some of the most common misconceptions and the truths behind them. 1. Myth: Masturbation makes you go blind Fact: Masturbation cannot make you blind. Studies conducted on this point of contention haven?t been able to find a link between masturbation and blindness. On the contrary, these researches have gone on to reveal that individuals who masturbate 4 times daily or more for years haven?t been found to suffer from any diseases attributed to masturbation, including blindness. 2. Myth: It can cause you to suffer from erectile dysfunction Fact: Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to maintain or get an erection during intercourse. The causes of this sexual dysfunction are varied, but masturbation doesn?t figure in the list of causes. What really happens is that when you masturbate repeatedly, you become used to your own touch or to a certain kind of sensation. As a result, you may find it difficult to have orgasms with your partner. 3. Myth: Masturbation doesn?t provide any long-term health benefits Fact: Many experts believe that masturbation can be good for your health. Some of the health benefits that it provides include improved concentration levels and better sleep. It also helps in relieving stress and headaches as your body releases endorphins (brain chemicals), which give you a sense of well-being. Apart from that, masturbating regularly ensures better fitness levels and a youthful appearance in men. For women, it offers certain sexual health benefits such as less pain during sexual intercourse. This happens due to the interaction between brain receptors and the endorphins, which help in reducing your perception of pain. Furthermore, it can even reduce vaginal dryness. 4. Myth: Children do not masturbate Fact: Masturbation is a normal childhood habit, wherein young children discover the private parts of their bodies and the feelings of pleasure that arise from this activity. Most children begin to play with their private parts by about 5-6 years of age. A child can masturbate once a week or several times a day. There are even researches out there that show male foetuses masturbating in the womb. 5. Myth: There?s no limit to how much you can masturbate Fact: According to the American Psychological Association, you should stop masturbating if it affects your daily life; causes emotional problems or physical soreness; disrupts your relationship with your partner or makes you unable to have orgasms from the stimulation that you experience with your partner. Otherwise, the frequency of masturbating can vary from individual to individual. If you masturbate a number of times in a day and still lead a healthy and satisfying life, you have nothing to worry about. 6. Myth: People in relationships do not masturbate Fact: Whether you?re single or in a relationship, masturbation is a healthy sexual activity that you can engage in to fulfil your sexual desires. Studies show that masturbation is a very common behaviour; about 92% of men and 62% of women masturbate. Sometimes, couples also engage in masturbation together as part of their sexual activity.
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