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I take proper sleep. When I start feeling sleepy, I feel unconsciousness immediately and unable to control myself. Because of intense and immediate impact of sleeping I start ignoring everything and feel urgency of sleep. In case of slight delay, I start feeling burning in eyes. In a real scenario, I was feeling sleepy while walking on a road. Because of immediate and intense impact, I was sleeping while walking and walking like a drunkard. Instead of advice to consult a doctor, please let me know medicines that can cure this problem.
1Doctor Answered
97% (25885 ratings)
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Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that causes persistent sleepiness and additional symptoms such as brief episodes of muscle weakness known as cataplexy, vivid, dreamlike hallucinations, brief episodes of paralysis when falling asleep or upon awakening (sleep paralysis), and fragmented nighttime sleep If you want a cure you must be prepared to see a doctor or you cannot fid a relief
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