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Hello Docs, My lft test on 31/07/2018 follows- total bilirubin-2.6 sgpt (alt)-60 sgot (alt)-39 alkaline phosphatase-93.8 note-no hepatitis after taking prescribed medicines, serious diet with hard exercise. Today (10/08/2018) lft follows- total bilirubin-0.4 sgpt-42 sgot-19 serum alkaline phosphatase-169. Why alkaline phosphatase increased? No-no drinks. Advise pls.
2Doctors Answered
94% (12483 ratings)
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It takes time to come down to normal.. Also take USG abdomen to confirm the diagnosis..
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97% (25952 ratings)
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The alkaline phosphatase can increase due to cases other than liver problem This could include hepatitis (liver inflammation), cirrhosis (liver scarring), liver cancer, gallstones, or a blockage in your bile ducts. High levels may also indicate an issue related to the bones such as rickets, Paget's disease, bone cancer, or an overactive parathyroid gland..
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