I have been suffering from blind piles sometime bleeding also with pain since 2016 and I take homeopathic medicine since 8 months. When it take medicine then get relief but not cure permanently. Can I do exercise with this situation like running and gym? .I do kapalbhati yoga 30 minutes daily which I found helpful. Please suggest for running and gym which is helpful for me? When I take medicine and not eat spicy and some restricted food then feel good.
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Yes we deal this type of medical condition successful recover please come my side for detail discussion. I think kapalbhati can some time enhance bleeding.
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Please get examined by a general/GI Surgeon for confirmation of diagnosis and further treatment. Early hemorrhoids can be treated by banding / sclerotherapy. For advanced cases staplers hemorrhoidectomy is recommended. Not aware of any non- Surgical treatment for advanced piles. Surgical treatment however is very effective. Kindly get examined by a general/GI Surgeon to decide on mode of treatment. You can continue to exercise and run but avoid abdominal straining exercise
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