Some one has hit me on head since that eye water is coming and headache. Should I checked my eye. I have cough and sneezing too much. Because of that water may come more. Please reply as soon as possible.
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Dear user we can help you out with your present complaints if you detail more about it. However for now take a single dose of this Homeopathic medicine Natrum sulp 200 and consult with me online with full medical records. *Note: Please be aware that the meds prescribed based on scarcity of symptoms and data usually have less effectiveness then the one with a complete narrations. Choice Of Health Is Your Hand.. WISH YOU GOOD HEALTH !
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Yes, you need to see some Dr. And get some imaging done, as there may be some internal trauma needing prompt treatment. Most likely there won't be anything but its always better to get checked up asap.
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