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For one time very little hard stool in my case leads to anal fissure. But I have asked our nearest people about it, they all told one time in their lifetime has suffered from hard stool but not anal fissure. So my question is why I get fissure for only one time hard stool. For that reason I stay always in fear and I am afraid to take any food by thinking if these food may cause hard stool and it leads anal fissure. So I always confined in home, I can not go any occasion as I can not eat so I can not enjoy with other because other people ear everything but they do not face such problem. To get life of other people by advising a colorectal surgeon Lateral sphincterotomy, surgery was done 1 year ago. But it can not fulfill my wish. I am completely vegetarian now and I am only 43 kgs in age of 24.

3Doctors Answered
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