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Health Query

I am 24 male and From past 2 months am having itching in scrotum. In the beginning am having only itching in scrotum and no any rashes and diagnosed for scrotum dermatitis and prescribed beclometasone and levocet for 4 weeks. After completion of course it relapsed and prescribed with elocon but within 2 days I got ring shaped rashes on my inner thighs and diagnosed with tinea cruris and prescribed with luliconazole and febrex plus for 4 weeks. Now after 4 weeks am not having any rashes but my scrotum uses to itch severely if I won't take levocetirizine. So I revisited the doc and prescribed with fluconazole 150 mg 6 tab, luliconazole cream in mrng for next 10 days and povidone at night for 5 days. Is there any serious issue am scared of this and what should I do to get rid off this?

2Doctors Answered
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