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My younger brother, aged 25 years, left his graduation in middle, married and has a 8 months kid, addicted to alcohol from last 5-6 years. He got Delirium tremens 2-3 times in last 3 years. If he stops for 2-3 days, he will get DTs again. More than alcohol, he drinks toddy (3-5 litres a day). He started playing some local game with money, as a consequence he attempted thefts in our relatives houses. He is completely out of mind, not caring about family. We tried out patient treatment for deaddiction, but did not work. So planning for in-patient treatment in a rehab center (no limit on the duration). So please suggest what is the best rehab center in hyderabad and how much it will cost approximately per month.
1Doctor Answered
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Per month it will charge you 15k and onward. See to that the de addiction center is equip to handle detoxification and also provides counselling and psychotherapy.
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