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I had my first exposure in my life (unprotected vaginal) with a girl who is married. Her last exposure was with her husband on 20th April while my exposure is on 18th June. Although she is healthy I asked to check her HIV status because her husband got married before and divorced. She checked her status on 3rd day and 45th day after my exposure both are negative (ANTIBODY TEST FROM VEIN) and again 52nd day and 75th day (30th August) after my exposure both are negative (HIV DUO). The last test she took on 75th day (HIV DUO) been 130 days after her exposure with her husband on 20th April. I also did TRIDOT on 28th day and HIV DUO on 40th day both are negative. Should I need to repeat the test after 90 days with DUO? Or im already conclusive? Thank you.
2Doctors Answered
Dr. Ketan Ranpariyayrs exp
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Free from hiv nothing to worry.
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Dr. Ishwaryrs exp
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HIV is negative and conclusive. But you can also get other STDs. Pl check HBsAg and VDRL tests after 90 days of exposure, also ask her to chk. Take HBV vaccines. Next time use protection. To better understand the risk and consequences please take private consult with audio video chat and then I can guide you properly and explain you what is to be done.
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