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I am 30 years old and my testosterone level is 0.68. I used to have higher testosterone level in the past. As per my latest tests the testosterone is 0.68 and as per ultrasound reports no cysts found in ovary. I have been taking Aldactone 50 and glycomet 250 (I am not over weight) from past 7 years as I have been suffering from hairfall since 2010. Doctor is advising to stop Aldactone as my testosterone is within the range. Should I stop it? will not it worsen my hair fall? Is 0.68 normal level of testosterone?
1Doctor Answered
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Most of medical challanges need doctor to listen to detailed medical history in form of questions and answers, examination of patient and sometimes reports so meet concerned doctor. PCOD is a disease where there is hormonal imbalance. Depending on your complaints, examination, reports and stage of life treatment differs and it also needs more time so get yourself treated with patience. Meet Gynecologist in whom you have trust as you will need to go for long time to him/her. Overweight is very common so in case you have that reduction of weight helps tremendously.
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