I am CA Final Student, cannot concentrate on my studies specially theory subjects, what to do to improve concentration & interests in subjects? Even sometimes I doubt myself whether I can clear the exam or not? please advice.
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This is a very tough exam and I m not surprised that all kinds of doubts can enter your mind. It would help to do group studies with with one more person or a small group of interested individuals. You may also try to make short notes of the theory subjects to study easily. You can follow these simple rules to improve your concentration: Have a good night?s sleep, have a good breakfast of more proteins, meditate often, remain free of stress, eat a lot of fiber, nuts, avocado, exercise regularly, eat dark chocolate, do Yoga meditation exercises (in fact Yoga has some good exercises for focus and concentration like looking at your thumb and at candle light), etc. You need to check out if you are stronger visual or auditory. The visual is a better mode than the auditory. However, if you combine the two modes, you will get the best concentration. Have a special place of learning, which should be well lit, with soft painted walls, well-ventilated, with no distractions. When you get bored, study by writing. Afternoons are a bad time to do study by reading. If you repeat learning at least five to seven times, you will apparently remember for a longer time. Sit comfortably but do not slouch. The reading material should be of a fairly large print. Study at small intervals of about 40 minutes and then take a break or change the subject. In a calm disposition concentration is much better and you will be able to study better. You may need to make notes and reduce the quantity of material to be studied and that will make it easier. Today the syllabi is very heavy and so it is difficult but you must find ways of giving more important topics more of your time and attention and that way you will prioritize y
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