I am a 65 years old retired employee. I have pain in my left knee for last three months, xray report says gap in inner side and lack of grease. I have also pain in my right leg below knee in lower part, when I remain standing for five minutes. Pl. Advise. I am a patient of high BP and heart related disease and undergone Angioplasty two times.
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As per your symptoms you might be suffering from osteoarthritis of both knee Some common recommendations for such patients are 1, not to squat 2, not to sit cross leg 3 less walking more cycling 4 regular knee exercises 5 calcium and vit d supplements Specicfic treatment depends on stage of d disease And Xray/ Mr. based If you can share it (not willing in public then can share in private) Take care.
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Hello Dr. Shyam Bhairi here. The information about the knee which has been given, clearly points towards Osteoarthritis of knee joint which is very common at your age. The question is how bad the pain is, if it is bad enough to hamper your daily activites then you have to under go knee replacement surgery. If the pain is bearable then knee strengthening exercises done daily twice will gradually help reduce the pain. Newer modalities include radio-frequency ablation but it's a temporary treatment.
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