From last few months I have some hearing problem. I am not comfortable to hear easily in one time saying. Will you please suggest what should I do. Thanks.
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Please visit some audiologist and have your hearing tested. Your audiologist can guide you regarding the solution of your problem. Thank you.
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Hearing loss can be due to some infections which are temprory or it can be permanent due to nerve damage. Get your self tested by an Audiologist. If it's permanent (or SNHL), get hearing aids ASAP to avoid further deprivation and for a better communication. If there is any infection, see an ENT specialist. Get your ears and hearing tested. Go to a qualified audiologist for hearing aid and please avoid Showrooms of hearing aids being run by Non- professionals. Few tips: - Avoid loud Noises - Tell your physician about your hearing loss before he prescribes any medicine so you can avoid oto-toxic drugs. - Do not put ear-buds, oil etc. In ears see an ENT specialist if your find any issue. - Do not dealy for Hearing aid if it is advised. Good luck HearInninng Healthcare, R K Puram.
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