Hi doctors, I am 28 year old unmarried, I am facing PE and ED from last two year, I can't even hold my sperm 5second, in intercourse in my first stroke only I will discharge, I am physically fit and fine, I do regular excise like cardio and wight lifting, worried about this problem, can anyone tell me permanent solution for this, as I used some ayurvedic medicine, but there no result I got. Please suggest me right medicine for permanent cure.
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Dear sir take patanjali ayurveda treatment for complete cure no side effect and result with in 10 days consult me if you want a good treatment.
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Premature ejaculation is very common problems account for 30 percent of normal male suffer from this issue It is very common misconception and self diagnosis made after seeing porn videos Please don't compare yourself with Porn Star Ejaculation is very normal for 2-3 minutes Don't rush for the sex Try to be relaxed Talk to your partner Orgasm's for female different from male Stimulate her Do plenty of foreplay Your partner is backbone of your treatment Take her into confidence Even if ejaculated early Try to do sex for second time While doing sex if feeling like ejaculation withhold it You can increase your latency time T.duralast 30 mg hour before sex T.tazzle 10 mg half hour before Regular exercise Healthy diet Dry fruits Be relaxed Control your anxiety.
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