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I am 57 years old female working as teacher. Few months ago, one fine morning suddenly I was unable to walk, found strong cramps beneath both knees and on the calf of both legs. In addition terrible hair loss and vomiting even in empty stomach. After visiting doctor lab tests revealed low thyroid and Albumin. I was on thyrox 25 and now no other medicines. Now still I am unable to walk freely, still hard cramps on calf of both legs persists restricting my movements. Now undergone complete testing with and shown following results. Iron-47, Total Cholesterol-223, LDL direct-137, Non HDL Cholesterol 174.8,%Transferrin saturation 12.84, Alkaline phosphatase 130.6,GGT 45.3,Total leukocytes 10.11,Lymphastes A count 3.42,RBC 4.93,MCV82. 8,MCH25. 4 MCHC30. 6, R DW CV 14.5. With present cramps and difficulties in walking online Dr. advice me for Vitamin 12 & D3 tests. Now I require advice & medication to come over the problem and resort to normal walking. Suggest me next treatment and the Dr. To consult.

2Doctors Answered
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