My brother age 30 years. My brother is suffering from leg pain I e from hip to knee. So we went for MRI scan. The reports are like this * Symmetric disc bulge at L4 L5 causing bilateral lateral recess narrowing and indenting the traversing nerve roots. * Broad based posterior central disc protrusion at L5 S1 with caudal migration causing bilateral lateral recess narrowing and indenting the transverse nerve root. *Heterogeneous T2 hyper intense extradural lesion in the posterior epidural space measuring 26�8 mm at level D3 and D4. Further evaluation with dedicated contrast MRI study would help. Sir the orthopedic doctor asked the neuro surgeon doctor by taking the pictures of these reports and scanning copy. After the discussion. The doctor said to do a operation. Please help me doctor what to do.
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Leg PainIf you have leg pain then you have to rule out the casues for having leg pain. First of all check your weight and your haemoglobin levels, as Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having leg pain though there are no issues with the knee joint or back pain. If not if the pain radiates down the back of thigh and legs then it might be due to sciatica. Kindly consult the nearby physiotherapist. Hope you recover soon from the leg pain. Pain in the back while walking and standing Pain in the right legIf you have leg pain please check your body weight and your hemoglobin levels, as Anemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having leg pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for back pain. My suggestion would be to wear MCR Chapels which will help you to prevent the weight falling on the If you have back pain while walking and standing first of all check your weight and your hemoglobin levels, as Anemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having back pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for back pain. My suggestion would be to wear MCR Chapels which will help you to prevent the weight falling on the back. And also should check whether you have flat foot on the right leg that also might be the reason to have pain in one particular leg Pain in the left side of the leg/thighThe compression of the sciatic nerve should be around the right side that's the reason you have pain in the left side. That's the reason you cannot sit or stand and it is exactly around the L5 vertebrae where the sciatic nerve passes by.
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