Hi, I had a sexual intercourse with a sex worker, on 14th August unfortunately condom broke and also I don't know that lady's hiv status. So I took PEP for 28 days. 38th n 42nd day I did 4th generation hiv duo test and 42nd day I also did a hiv rna pcr. All results are negative/non reactive. Also rna pcr result is "Target not detected"(sample provided doesn't contain Hiv 1 rna). Is this results conclusive? As per CDC website, the possibility of getting hiv during sexual intercourse is 0.04-0.50% only. Is this correct?
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Please do HIV HBsAg and VDRL tests after 90 days of exposure. To better understand the risk and consequences please take private consult with audio video chat and then I can guide you properly and explain you what is to be done.
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Yes your are free from infection. If you have done qualitative test dna pcr After 17 days of exposure you can go for HIV 1 Proviral DNA Qualitative test In this stressful condition it s better to do online audio consultation so we can discuss personally one to one basis and I can help you to come out from fear and anxiety of HIV. So you restart your normal healthy life without any stress and depression.
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