I have high sex drive but my wife has very low. This is creating problem. What should I do to increase her sex drive. We have sex 2 times a week, but I want it more. What should I do.
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Dear user this is a quite personal problem and suggestions are differ from person to person according to their personal characteristics like their habits, thought process, emotions, their likes and dislikes and lot more things. You can try to understand her nature, her likes and dislikes and feel her comfort to improve your sexual activity. If you really want to improve your sexual relationship provide me a detailed history of your wife only after that I ll be able to help you both better. You can call me and discuss all the things in detail.
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Hello- There are many natural remedies that can re-ignite a sex drive in your wife that has become lackluster while ensuring a healthy and happier sex life. Such remedies can promote nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow and relaxes muscles. Long-term usage of herbal supplements can promote sexual desire and increase sex hormone production and blood flow.
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