I am 24 Reshma I have flat moles on my face from my childhood how to remove it permanently please guide me. It looks awkward .I have 7 to 8 flat moles on my face.
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Dip half a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, saturating yet squeezing out excess. Apply the cotton ball on top of mole. Use a band-aid to secure cotton ball over mole. Leave the secured cotton ball on the mole for up to 8 consecutive hours each day. Honey And Flaxseed Oil: Honey And Flaxseed As tasty as honey is, it is also quite useful in making the mole look lighter, while flaxseed oil is believed to treat a number of skin problems related to scarring and pigmentation. Mix a drop of flaxseed oil in little bit of honey. Apply this mixture to the flat mole. Leave it for an hour and wash it off. Onion Juice: The acidic property of onion juice will not only help you get rid of moles but will also help even out your skin tone. Grind an onion into a paste and squeeze out all its juice using a muslin cloth. Apply the juice directly on the mole. Leave it on for about 30-40 minutes before you wash it off. Garlic Paste: The enzymes found in garlic break down the cluster of cells that have formed the mole. These enzymes not only break down the cell clusters but also help lighten the pigmented area, thereby reducing its appearance.
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Hello. Moles are usually since the birth and hence are deep seated. There are several non surgical ways like Lasers. Which you can go for to get those removed, but it depend upon the size of the moles and their colour etc. Few times there might be a mark remaining in that place for which you will have to go for more sittings. Surgical excision is also one of the way you can treat them. But as said the type of treatment will be decided only after examination and discussing with you about your requirement. You can text me online for further enquiry with the pictures if possible. Have a great day.
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