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Hello, i'm undergoing 35 years and mother of 2 years old daughter last month I took mtp kit for unwanted pregnancy on 7th sep 2018 after 6 days for my due date and then bleeding start and stop after 1 week so my ovulation on 23 September and intimate with my husband on 25th sep and again on 27th sep but both of time he was not release inside me so my next period suppose to be come on 7 oct and today i'm again late my period also check pregnancy test was negative and I mention that i am using green tea or some ayurvedic weight loss capsules 2 times in a day but last 1 week before my period missing my capsules was over so I take any pills but i am having green tea so any side effect or should any ultrasound or consult doctor.
1Doctor Answered
94% (24549 ratings)
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Dear user. I can understand. Please don't be panic. I suggest you to consult a gynecologist in person. We are here to help you in every aspect of your mental and physical health. Any sexual or psychological problems can be cured with the help of various methods and therapies. I suggest you to post your query with every detail here. We will help you in overcoming your problems certainly. Take care.
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