Sir mera age 21 year hai aur mera hair fall 1.5 year se ho raha hai aur abhi bhi hair fall ho raha hai. Mera aage ke hair ek dum se patle ho gaye hai .lagta hai zaise ki mai do sal me ganja ho jaunga. Kya mere hair phir se waise ho sakte hai.
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There are several reasons for Hairfall Thyroid Diabetes Hormonal imbalances Piles Anemia Respiratory tract infection Gastric complaints Genetic factors Skin infection Malnutrition Malabsorption Vitamin deficiency. Simply by applying shampoo. You can't find solution. U need to trace out the root cause. So that it can be treated permanently. A deficiency of vitamin A may lead to dry and itchy scalp. Eggs and Dairy Products: Milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs etc. Are loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids. Dairy products are also a great source of biotin (Vitamin B7) that is known to fight hair loss. Most common nutritional deficiencies that cause hair loss: Iron: Everyone knows that iron deficiency causes anemia; this is typically characterized by pale skin and fatigue, and a vulnerability to repeated infections. What most people don't know is that iron deficiency can also cause hair loss.
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lybrate-user Apki information se aise lag Raha hai ke apko Male pattern hair fall stArt ho chuka hai. Shayad apke family members ko bhi aisa problem ho sakta hair apke dad, grand dad or uncle. Yeh genetic condition hai Jaime hair fall aur hair patle hona common hai. Yeh condition continues chalti jayegi so Iska ilaj bhi apko continue karna padega for long term. Consultation ke liye pictures bhejo aur formal prescription likhva lo.
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