What are bad effects to the health watching porn videos and doing masturbation. I am not married. I am single. Since 8 years I am doing masturbation. Is it decreases memory Power watching porn videos and masturbation?
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There's no effect on the body due to masturbation if it's done when sexually excited. It doesn't cause any problem with memory or anything.
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Hello- Sex has always fascinated both young and old. The experienced adults seek new pleasures, while the inexperienced learn and discover what titillates them most. Young men will explore their bodies. They?ll masturbate. Watch porn, and become addicted to the hyperactive images emanating from their screens. The addiction can please the mind, but it too can destroy the body. Think of your sexual energy as a water bottle. Its capacity is limited. Drink enough water in a short period of time, and the bottle will run out of its contents. Now think of neurochemicals, i.e. Testosterone, estrogen, nitric oxide, dopamine and serotonin, as the molecules that make up the water. Each time you engage in sex, you deplete the reserve of neurochemicals. Men who watch excessive porn elevate their dopamine and serotonin levels to consistently high level. The body begins to crave the same levels of the neurochemicals to satisfy its urges. Meanwhile, too much masturbation further depletes the reserve of testosterone, dopamine and serotonin while weakening the parasympathetic nerves, endocrine and immune systems. Too much masturbation results in the depletion of essential hormones and neurotransmitters. To counterbalance the low levels of neurochemicals, the body produces cortisol and prostaglandin E-2, stress hormones that inflames the body and stymie the production of neurochemicals. Without the necessary ingredients for sex, you experience impotence.
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