I am suffering from groin itch. I have apply antifungal cream on affected area I got relieved for 2 days then after 2 days itching get started again and started to spread as ringworm infection to other part of things and buttocks itching is severe from a month please sir take into consideration.
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Homeopathy has best solution for this problem. Without side effects.
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1.Keep the area clean and dry. 2.change under garments and socks daily. 3. Do not Wear tight clothes. Wear loose-fitting cotton under garments. 4. Wash clothes with hot water 5. Change linen daily 6. Do not apply any soap, cream,powder, oil to the area 7.do not share towels. Sheets and clothes. 8.do not scratch the rash, as this may spread the fungus to other areas of your body. 9. Use medicine for a longer period 10. Put on cotton under garments and keep area clean and dry For medicine contact on private chat.
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You can apply the antifungal cream again. Most importantly the area should be very clean. After Scrub bath with soap and water mop up the moisture, then apply the cream. If it is spreading you will have to take oral antifungal also. Better to consult a pediatrician, physician ordermatologist and take opinion. Direct physical examination will be necessary in this case.
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