Dr, I'm 18 Years old boy, I have severe heart burn and stomach ache years ago. When I take antacids the symptoms gets vanished but I didn't get a complete cure. Thus I consult a gastroenterologist thus he advice me to do Occult blood test and it found to be positive hence he said to me to go for an Endoscopy and colonoscopy. After all I get the result that I have congenital Sliding Hiatal Hernia with grade A esophagitis. Dr. I want to know Congenital Sliding Hiatal Hernia is dangerous or not?
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It's harmful for long time so take proper treatment.
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Hello there please go through this It's my article on sliding hiatal hernia for patient education What is a hiatal hernia?�?�A hiatal hernia is what doctors call it when a part of the stomach moves up into the chest area. Normally, the stomach sits below the diaphragm, the layer of muscle that separates the organs in the chest from the organs in the belly. The esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach, passes through a hole in the diaphragm. In people with a hiatal hernia, the stomach pushes up through that hole, too. There are 2 types of hiatal hernia:?Sliding hernia ? A sliding hernia happens when the top of the stomach and the lower part of the esophagus squeeze up into the space above the diaphragm. This is the most common type of hiatal hernia. ?Paraesophageal hernia ? A paraesophageal hernia happens when the top of the stomach squeezes up into the space above the diaphragm. This is not very common, but it can be serious if the stomach folds up on itself. It can also cause bleeding from the stomach or trouble breathing. What are the symptoms of a hiatal hernia?�?�Hiatal hernias do not usually cause symptoms. In some cases, though, hiatal hernias cause stomach acid to leak into the esophagus. This is called acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux, and it can cause symptoms, including: ?Burning in the chest, known as heartburn ?Burning in the throat or an acid taste in the throat ?Stomach or chest pain ?Trouble swallowing ?A raspy voice or a sore throat ?Unexplained cough Is there a test for hiatal hernia?�?�Yes, but doctors do not usually test for hiatal hernia. Instead, most people learn they have a hiatal hernia when they are having tests to find the cause of symptoms, or for other reasons. For instance, some people find out they have a hiatal hernia when they have an X-ray. Others find out when their doctor puts a tube with a tiny camera down their throat (called an endoscopy) How are hiatal hernias treated?�?�People who have symptoms caused by a hiatal hernia can get treated for their symptoms. Treatment for symptoms involves taking the medicines that are used for acid reflux (). People with a paraesophageal hernia, and some people with a sliding hernia, need surgery. For this surgery, the surgeon pulls the stomach back down and repairs the hole in the diaphragm so the stomach does not slide up again. FOR FURTHER QUERIES PLEASE BOOK AUDIO CONSULT THANK YOU TAKE CARE.
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