I have sugar from 4 years and bp from few days my sugar levels after taking food 160 to 179. And bp is 120/80. My question is I can live normal life with bp and sugar r my life span will decrease. And I have habit of alcohol few days back with 7 pegs brandy daily but stopped few days back .plz tell me how many pegs I can take daily. And my weight is 110 how can I loss my weight. please tel answers to all this .thanking you all doctors who are giving good information to all of us.
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Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. I have seen the details given. I need to know following information: 1)Are you on treatment? If yes what are the drugs and dosage? 3) What is usual fasting blood glucose level & HbA1c%? With a weight of 110 kgs you are already in grade 3 obesity, this is a major hindrance in achieving better glucose control. Similalry drinking alcohol with that kind of obesity is likely to put a considerable strain on your liver, leading to fatty liver and further complications. Therefore, my suggestion is there should be NO ALCOHOL DRINKING. But if you do indulge it can just about once or twice a week that too not more than 2 pegs. Even with that quantity you are putting your liver to a greater risk. Your BP looks normal. But with excess obesity and high glucose levels you are at a greater risk. Thanks.
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