I am a teen girl and I am suffering from jock itch since 5 months. I have tried almost all kinds of anti fungal cream like betnovate g, terbest, derma 5 and anti fungal powder also but my infection is not getting cured. It is itchy sometimes its is burning sometimes and it is pricking sometimes. I take bath twice a day apply calorie cream but still it is not getting cured What can be done for this kindly help me out.
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Who said betnovate G and dermi 5 is something which is given for jock itch. U have fungal infection, if you apply these creams it feels relieved at first but recurs again sometimes worse than before. Fungus thrives in moisture, hence it happens between legs, armpits, under breast. It can be cured completely, only if proper treatment is taken along with many lifestyle changes. Consult privately for a detailed Treatment plan.
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If you are suffering from jock itch and applied betnovate g or derma5, then actually you have exaggerated your problem rather than curing it. Now what you may be having is Tinea Incognito. If you continue applying either of these, or any other medication without consulting a Dermatologist then believe me, you will have white atrophic lesion in your groin just like stretch marks and your fungal infection will spread to your buttocks and elsewhere on your body. So stop experimenting on yourself and consult a skin specialist at the earliest.
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Hi this fungal infection is called as Jock itch .it is caused by a type of fungus that can be spread from person to person or from shared use of contaminated towels or clothing. Well selected Homoeopathic remedies are effective to cure jock itch completely..some of the homoeopathic medicines are graph, chrysarbinum, thuja, sulphur , croton , rhus tox ,sepia, psorinum etc.. when does itch gets worse ? i need detailed case history to find out cause and treat accordingly.. you can consult me online for homoeopathic treatment without side effects.
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