Hi Sir, I am 28 years old and feeling very low, feeling vomiting, headache and dizziness, back pain. Please suggest what I can do?
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It?s often alarming to have a headache and dizziness at the same time. However, many things can cause the combination of these two symptoms, from dehydration to anxiety. We?ll go over the signs that your headache and dizziness might be a sign of something more serious before diving into other, more common potential causes. Is it an emergency? While rare, a headache with dizziness can sometimes indicate a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. Brain aneurysm A brain aneurysm is a balloon that forms in the blood vessels of your brain. These aneurysms often don?t cause symptoms until they rupture. When they do rupture, the first sign is usually a severe headache that comes on suddenly. You may also feel dizzy. Other symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm include: nausea and vomiting blurred vision neck pain or stiffness seizures sensitivity to light confusion loss of consciousness a droopy eyelid double vision If you have a severe headache and feel dizzy or notice any other symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm, seek emergency medical treatment. Stroke Strokes occur when something interrupts the flow of blood to a part of your brain, cutting off the supply of oxygen and other nutrients it needs to function. Without a steady blood supply, brain cells quickly start to die. Like brain aneurysms, strokes can cause a severe headache. They can also cause sudden dizziness. Other symptoms of a stroke include: numbness or weakness, often on one side of the body sudden confusion trouble speaking or understanding speech sudden vision problems sudden difficulty walking or maintaining balance Strokes require quick treatment to avoid lasting complications, so seek emergency treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms of a stroke. Here?s how to recognize the signs of a stroke. Migraine Migraines are intense headaches that happen on one or both sides of your head. People who often get migraines describe the pain as throbbing. This intense pain can be accompanied by dizziness. Other symptoms include: nausea and vomiting sensitivity to light or sound trouble seeing seeing flashing lights or spots (aura) There?s no cure for migraines, but certain things may help to reduce your symptoms or prevent them in the future. The effectiveness of different treatments tends to vary from person to person, so it?s a good idea to work with your doctor to find a treatment that works best for you. In the meantime, you can try these 10 natural ways to soothe a migraine. Head injuries There are two types of head injuries, known as external and internal injuries. An external head injury affects your scalp, not your brain. External head injuries may cause a headache, but usually not dizziness. When they do cause a headache and dizziness, it?s usually mild and goes away within a few hours. Internal injuries, on the other hand, often cause both headaches and dizziness, sometimes for weeks after the initial injury. Traumatic brain injury Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are usually caused by a blow to the head or violent shaking. They often happen due to car accidents, hard falls, or playing contact sports. Both headaches and dizziness are common symptoms of mild and severe TBIs. Additional symptoms of a mild TBI, such as a concussion, include: temporary loss of consciousness confusion memory problems ringing in the ears nausea and vomiting Other symptoms of a more severe TBI, such as a skull fracture, include: loss of consciousness for at least several minutes seizures fluid draining from the nose or ears dilation of one or both pupils severe confusion unusual behavior, such as aggression or combativeness If you think you or someone else might have a TBI, it?s important to contact a doctor right away. Someone with a mild TBI may just need to go to urgent care to make sure there?s no major damage. However, someone with a more severe TBI needs to go to the emergency room right away. Post-concussion syndrome Post-concussion syndrome is a condition that sometimes happens after a concussion. It causes a range of symptoms, which usually include a headache and dizziness, for weeks or even months after the original injury. The headaches associated with post-concussion syndrome often feel similar to migraines or tension headaches. Other symptoms include: trouble sleeping anxiety irritability memory or concentration problems ringing in the ears sensitivity to noise and light Post-concussion syndrome isn?t a sign that you have a more serious underlying injury, but it can quickly get in the way of your day-to-day life. If you have lingering symptoms after a concussion, talk to your doctor. In addition to ruling out any other injuries, they can come up with a treatment plan to help manage your symptoms.
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