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I am 19 and I am suffering from tuberculosis. My tlc report showed 500 - 600 cells/mm�. And dlc showed 20% neutrophil and 80% lymphocytes. Because I had the pleural effusion in my left lung. Ada report was 78.70 u/l. Can you please explain me the meaning of these reports.
2Doctors Answered
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Young blood cell count is low Whether it's due to your marrow disease or drugs or rarely TB affecting cell production Adenosine Deaminase ADA is high due to inflammation in pleura by TB. Your weight being low <40 kg take drugsafter dose calculation by your physician Request him to look for causes other than TB for low cell count.
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TLC only 500-600 cells/mm3 is not good kindly repeat it urgently. Likly TB effusion.
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