HIV RNA PCR quantitative test done post 22 days of exposure while I was on ART. I was negative, does it mean I am HIV free?
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Hello. I assume that you were given ART post exposure prophylaxis with in 72 hrs of exposure and the first test you did was HIV RNA PCR. Is this correct. HIV RNA PCR is highly sensitive test generally used as confirmatory test after antigen, antibody test and not used as screening test. (ICTC does not use NAT, except in child born to HIV positive mothers) however Nuclic acid test (NAT) can not detect HIV 2.hence for general initial test a 4th generation HIV 1 and 2, antigen ,antibody with p24 antigen test is done at base line ,(before starting PEP) at 4 wks and at month 3. (You can refer to NACO website for test algorithems to know better or can consult online.) SO your HIV RNA test result is negative for HIV 1. HIV 2 is rare in India and localised in west and south India. You can have a HIV1 and 2 Antigen, antibody 4th generation test at 3 months.
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